A dream come true project as we open the Marine Science Ranger Training Academy in Durban. Oceans Alive Conservation Trust is the strategic sponsor of the Marine Science Ranger Project in collaboration with Zebra Shark Adventures. A container can be many things. Mostly used for storage and transport, containers serve a much bigger purpose in our lives for ocean conservation. It can be a place of inspiration, of coming together with hopes and dreams and a place where we can touch and change lives by providing an educational space for skills development. Working together in conservation with the Beachwood Country Club in the heart of Durban's Umgeni River Estuary and the extremely sensitive Beachwood Coastal Mangroves, and The Beachwood Country Club Wetlands. Here deserving students will learn about coastal habitats and marine species and about becoming ethical marine guides and representatives for ocean conservation.
Visitors are welcome to join our amazing Oceans Alive teams for guided nature walks and experiences, by arrangement. Please contact us on email via info@oceans-alive.org.

Teaching people about the environment is important. Creating a community of like minded people that are informed about the importance of the Ocean and Marine Biodiversity even more important. Without a healthy Ocean, life on planet Earth will not be possible. The Oceans Alive Conservation Trust Marine Science Ranger Program give people an opportunity to learn new skills and learn about the marine environment. They will be able to find or create jobs, teach and share marine based information with people in their communities and with children. There is so much to learn about the Ocean and marine animals.

We aspire to teach our students as much as possible and may include things outside of the curriculum for them to gain some experience that could contribute to them for future success.
The process of collecting a representative portion of water, as from the natural environment or from an industrial site, for the purpose of analyzing it for constituents is known as water sampling.
As pollution increases and the health of our rivers and Oceans decrease its important for us to know what exactly is in the water and what impact it has on the environment.
One of our students taking water samples at the Ohlanga River Estuary in Durban, South Africa. The river and estuary was contaminated with toxic chemicals, raw sewage and plastic.
To find out more about the Marine Science Ranger Program and to apply for training to become a Marince Science Ranger kindly contact us on academy@oceans-alive.org