Why should I remember the Oceans Alive Conservation Trust in my will?
Everyone needs to have an up-to-date will, ensuring that our last wishes are carried out and our legacy is continued in the way that we would choose.
Take a moment to think about the legacy that you could potentially leave and how your loved ones would remember you after you’re gone as being committed to making a difference to the world around you by speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves, and protecting our oceans and our natural world?
Including a bequest to an organisation such as Oceans Alive Conservation Trust that you have supported in your lifetime, or that you would have liked to support is a way to bring meaning and purpose to a life well-lived. You, and your values, beliefs and philanthropic investment, will live on in lives and the legacy of conservation touched by your support.
Should you choose to remember the Oceans Alive Conservation Trust in your will, you are not only helping us to secure the clean and sustainable future of our oceans and our coastal environments for future generations in years to come, but you could also be providing important tax benefits to your loved ones.
“Caring for our oceans”
Section 4(h) of the Estate Duty Act determines that bequests made to public benefit organisations such as the Oceans Alive Conservation Trust should first be deducted from the nett value of your estate before estate duty is determined.
This means that remembering the Oceans Alive Conservation Trust in your will could exempt your estate from estate duty. A deduction for estate duty purposes is allowed in respect of the value of property bequeathed to a public benefit organisation.
The Oceans Alive Conservation Trust relies on bequests both large and small to ensure that we continue fulfilling our vision of healthy oceans and a healthy planet and an equitable world that values and sustains the diversity of all life.
Thank you if you have already decided to leave a bequest and we assure you that your legacy will make a lasting impact to the future of our oceans and our coastal environments.
Your bequest will help us to…
Educate and empower communities to live and work in harmony with our oceans and our coastal environments
Raise awareness and responsible living practices through our community education programs preparing the ocean guardians of the future
…and so much more!
How can I remember the Oceans Alive Conservation Trust in my will?
We recommend that you use the below wording:
“I bequeath to the Oceans Alive Conservation Trust registered NPO number 2019/534595/08 of address 100 Armstrong Avenue, La Lucia Ridge, Umhlanga, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa, (insert bequest details of your choice), and I express that such bequest be used for the purpose of scientific research, rehabilitation, preservation, conservation and community awareness education for the protection of our oceans and our coastal environments for all future generations.”
There are different types of bequests that you can select from, namely:
• Residue of your estate
• A percentage of your estate
• A specific sum of money
• A life insurance policy
• Property
Please feel free to contact us should you need to draw up a new will or require a codicil for your existing will, by emailing info@oceans-alive.org
Who can draw up your will?
It is important to ask expert advice from a financial planner, attorney or your bank before attempting to draw up your will.
Including a bequest to the Oceans Alive Conservation Trust in your will can reduce the amount of tax payable on your estate.
Oceans Alive Conservation Trust has trusted alliances with licenced organisations and partner individuals that specialise in the drafting of Wills, Trust Administration and Estate Planning and Administration.
These organisations and partner individuals can provide a wealth of knowledge and expertise coupled with respect and personalised service excellence when it comes to drafting your Will, taking care of the administration of Trusts and administering your Estate in the event of your death.
They also have in-depth knowledge and expertise in providing advice on insurance products that are required to protect your beneficiaries from the legal fees and expenses that arise when you pass away.
All have committed to a promise that every referral they receive through the Oceans Alive Conservation Trust, they’ll be making a donation to the Oceans Alive Conservation Trust organisation.
Get your Will drafted for free...
Please send your name and contact details, (including your phone number, address and email) to: