Globally our oceans are under immense pressure due to climate change, global warming, human activity, overfishing, plastic and synthetics and sewage and chemical pollution and illegal and in-humane ocean and coastal environment practices.
Our mission is to labour for our oceans and to be a catalytic influence for positive and lasting global change towards saving our oceans and coastal environments from further plunder, neglect and demise.
Where nature is healthy, people will thrive and we need to recognise that we all need to contribute and manage our everyday lives in respect and understanding of nature and of our individual influence on nature through our daily actions and non-actions in order to conserve and protect and live in harmony with nature.
Not enough is being done to throw a spotlight on all these issues for communities to become educated and informed and aware of what is happening and what their part is in the ‘big picture’ and to encourage them to change their ways and their habits to help protect our precious oceans and our coastal environments and our endangered wildlife.
Oceans and beaches all over the world, even in the most remote and unspoilt locations are being severely affected by plastic and synthetic products and chemical pollution.